Thursday, October 2, 2008

Aspiring Publishers

Affiliate publishers looking to monetize their website shall drive traffic first. Before I had difficulty understanding what is the inventory of a site and what would become with the inventory of a site. Your traffic is your website inventory. Publishers looking to monetize their inventory shall focus on performance based marketing relationships. Select a platform like Performics or Connect Commerce that can help you generate more revenues. Maybe you would want to concentrate on your Google Adsense first before you start with affiliate marketing. Discover and determine how to capture your traffic and convert these visitors to paying those clicks. Regardless of what marketing tactics or business models you are embarking make sure you generate more revenue by connecting to one with hundreds of leading brands and optimize campaign performance. Smart decisions are downplayed with time not on impulse subscription and copycat publishing strategies remember that. You observed, research and learn your market and your product and experiment. Welcome trials and errors. They teach well!