Saturday, September 6, 2008

Are free credit reports a good dating strategy requirement?

Listening to Yahoo Messenger Music Launchcast is never a bad idea at all. You get to update your music choices and get to know a lot of good artists by genre. Of course there are commercials in between songs. And this is how I came across with a very funny ad like getting your date’s free credit score lol.

The ad actually tells about a guy who met his ideal girl and then married her only to find out that she was head over heels in debt ha ha not in love but in debt… imagine. So after the marriage they came to live in their parent’s basement instead of living in his dream house because he got to help her pay a bundle of loans and credit card purchases and a lot of other funny situations stated ha ha

It was really frustrating for him to live the life he haven’t plan to have. He was working to get a good one but instead ended up with the worst nightmare in his life because he married someone who did not manage her funds and expenses well or something like that. I realize that this could actually happen and it will put you in an annoying situation putting yourself to tackle something you have been managing quite well in life. So I am wondering if credit score reports are good requirements to dating sites. This is just a funny idea. There could be a lot of tricks during dating lol but the ad really hit me laughing… It was created to sound like a jingle and sooo funny yet realistic!